Ciudad Juarez, Mexico is one of the fastest growing cities in the world. It was also recently (2009) named the most violent city outside a war zone and the murder capital of the world. Federal police and military arrived in the town by the thousands over the last few years and have improved things a little. But there is still a lot of violence, sadness, poverty, and need. A Marine buddy of mine calls it "a shoot your way in, stab your way out" kind of city...second only to Damascus!
My church started going down there in the midst of the chaos in 2009 to a church called Amigo Fiel to hand out Christmas Shoeboxes. I was immediately intrigued and wanted to go help. But I did not make the time or save the money to do so. I silently prayed each year that time and money would become available...and this year they did! Thank you Lord!
So, in a bit I head off to Juarez for a few days of making kids smile. Churches call it a "short-term mission trip". I am a little embarrassed and uncomfortable calling it a "mission trip" at all...playing with kids and handing out toys hardly compares to years of shipwrecks, beatings, snake-bites, starvation, exposure, and isolation that real missionaries face. But, like long-term missionaries, I am handing this time over to God and the coordinators He has entrusted with this endeavor. I have made myself available to serve His good purposes...whatever they may be.
Please pray for me and the team I will be serving with. Make mention of our families who remain behind to keep the home fires burning. And may God's will be done in our lives. Amen.
I'm praying for you. It's a wonderful trip, and I agree... making a few kids smiles doesn't seem worthy to be called a mission's trip. The three years I went, the most suffering I did for the Lord was when my legs fell asleep because I didn't get up to walk around on the plane down there.