My wife has, once again, found a show on TV, watched it for a few years, and then (despite my sustained efforts) hooked and reeled me in. I instinctively set up barriers to any shows she watches and tries to get me to watch with her. Years of watching her be entertained by reality (FAKE) shows, melodramatics Lifetime movies, Hallmark yawners, etc have left me scarred. But every once in a while her persistence pays off. After many years she got me watching ER.(post-Clooney), sucked me into Lost midway through the first season, pulled me towards Grey's Anatomy after about season 4, twisted the knife with Friday Night Lights the year it ended, pummeled me with CSI about season 3, and really blindsided me with NCIS (which I fought hard because the lead character was a Marine and TV always messes that up and she had been wildly unsuccessful with JAG!).
Well, she has struck again!! For two years she has watched Downton Abbey. Tonight I was ambushed and watched my willpower melt away. Blimey, I'm knackered! Ta-ta mates.
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