Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Amigo Fiel (part 4)

This day was a carbon copy of Friday...until after the second distribution. We were given a list of specific shoeboxes to gather and then we set off for a HIV clinic. They were having a party for the families of their patients with small children. We were the surprise guests! Justin, once again, got the chance to present the Gospel with Carlos interpreting. Then we got to hand deliver boxes to about 60 children and then stay and watch them open them. A few children stayed even longer to play with us...I got to teach one boy how a slinky works and almost taught a little girl how to juggle! We closed the party down, helped clean up, and stored away the last of the shoeboxes.

We returned to Base and had a restful dinner and extended time of worship, prayer, devotion, and fellowship with each other and some of the staff. We were given some insight into the lives of these uber-servants...their trials, failures, and utter love & dependence on Jesus. Their testimonies were powerful and sacred. It ended up being another late and joyous night.

We rose and headed over to Amigo Fiel for morning services. We helped prepare the facility and then split into groups. My group jumped into the elementary Sunday School. The highlight was little Yesenia holding my Bible hostage until Michele gave her a Spanish Bible!! Between services we bid farewell to the Alberquerque Team and I played soccer with some familiar faces from the drama team. Second service started with an incredible time of worship in Spanish...which just ended up being a really cool time of worship, despite the language barrier. My heart was singing and God understood. Justin taught with Carlos as interpreter for both services. His message was well-received...the Spirit was definitely present!

We had a late lunch and bid farewell to Carlos and Chuy as they headed back to their lives in the states. Isaac, another of Carlos' loyal cadre, escorted us to a local shopping center for a taste of upscale Juarez life. After an early dinner we headed out to the final evening of outreach at the tent. The worship team from Amigo Fiel was filling the neighborhood with praise and worship. Leonardo preached in Spanish and I continuously prayed for the salvation of every soul there. Many came forward that night to pray for Jesus' entrance into their hearts.

The night was concluded with the giving away of clothes, beans, donuts, and hot chocolate that had been brought by Amigo Fiel. For such a small church they sure were actively involved in every event of the weekend! A couple of us on the Team gave away our hats, gloves, and jackets to those who looked most in need. I emptied my bag of the last of the candy and hacky sacks. A young father came back into the tent and in broken English asked me why I thought America was so great. I asked him why. He said because of people like me...I was speechless and could only think to hug him as tightly as I could. As he walked away, a number of God-glorifying responses came to mind...but the moment had passed. But for that instant, as we grasped each other, I had a sense of the unity that awaits us in eternity.

We returned to Base, packed up the next morning, left behind what ever extra gear we had brought (sleeping-bags, towels, shirts, sweaters, jackets, etc), and uneventfully returned home.

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