Monday, December 31, 2012


Another year is about to slip away. Another year is holding in the wings, awaiting its grand entrance. I do wonder what she will bring with her as she strolls on in. But I am no prophet. So I pack away my wonderings and will march into the new year grasping one item with all my might and I know what I know and will seek to know more. Musings I will attempt to leave on the shelf.

On second thought, though, I will sneak one other thing past the customs agents: hope!  Adding hope to faith will put me in good standing I am sure. I can think of no better recipe for contentment.

So the New Year's imminent arrival is not necessarily a reason for ballyhooing...nor do I feel the need to medicate. I sit here...well, restful.  See you next year!!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Busy with the Fizzy

Saw some boycotters outside Costco with signs urging shoppers to not buy SodaStream because it is manufactured in an illegal Israeli settlement in the West Bank...hmmmm.

I would highly recommend that those protestors read Numbers 34:1-12 and then Genesis 12:3.

Also, it seems only one of the company's thirteen manufacturing plants is in the disputed area.

In addition, I can't believe these people would spend their Sunday out in the cold brisk air for this cause.  There are so many worthwhile causes to go out and hold a sign for.  To align one's self against Israel over a land dispute causes my eyebrows to rise.  Now I am wondering what is really going on here. What has really ruffled their feathers?  I think there is much more to this story and will let you know if I discover anything.

On a higher you know what event in Jesus' life transpired immediately after His sermon on the mount? A good harmony of the Gospels really helps shine some light on the context of things like this.  His revolutionary sermon called us to love our enemies, to give in secret, to not worry about food/clothing/riches, to turn the other cheek, to be perfect.  What major event happens next? Do you remember?

Hello...again. has been a year since posting here. Life has gone on, even if this blog didn't.  Maybe a little resuscitation is needed.

My wife gave birth to another blessing from God! ( that makes six, in case you lost count.) More and more I realize how very nice it is to come home to my best friend and helper.  And what smiles our little ones bring to our faces.

I got to visit for an extended time with my oldest very best guy friend from the past who lives far away and we have very different lives now but still remain friends because our friendship is rooted in the Lord.

My very best guy friend who lives close and I get to see semi-regularly got married to a girl that God quite clearly wanted him to marry. (His name is in the title of this blog by the way.) What a restful joy to know with certainty that you are indeed marrying the right girl! May God give you every blessing and draw you closer to Him and each other. ( is also a bonus that his new bride loves me and my family as much as my friend does!)

One job ended and another started while I tried to wait on The Lord.

Obama, Romney, fiscal cliff, Connecticut, Syria, Israel, Iran, Russia, there any doubt in your minds people that the end is nigh!?!? Genesis 6:6. He still grieves.
I still do not rest in the word of God as much as I know I ought.

The Lord has found new ways to open my perspectives and the eyes of my heart...more on that later.

This was nice.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

week 2 memory verse

Exodus 34:5-8
Then the LORD came down in the cloud and stood there with him and proclaimed his name, the LORD. And he passed in front of Moses, proclaiming, "The LORD, the LORD, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin. Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished; he punishes the children and their children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation." Moses bowed to the ground at once and worshiped.