Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Islam scares me. I've been looking at the Koran and it scares me.

I am not shaking in my boots; nor am I petrified. Just very concerned at this force of evil arrayed against us. I have never much been interested in Islam. It was always just another religion to me. But after just a tiny bit of research I have changed my views. Here are some of my discoveries; I highly recommend you educate yourself concerning them:

  • The Koran preaches war/violence more than it does peace. It commands Muslims to convert all men to Islam. Failing that, they are to kill them. Should they themselves fail to take up the banner of this Holy War (jihad) then they themselves are to be killed.

  • Thus Islam, at its very foundation, is radical, militant, violent, supremacist, and terroristic; both to its converts and its own adherents. Radical Islam is not the minority. It is the heart and true soul of the religion. "Peaceful" Islam (if such a thing exists) is actually not real Islam but pseudo-Islam.

  • Mohammad was a terrorist, murderer, slaver, polygamist, pedophile, robber, marauder, and false prophet. (You have got to look up the history of this man; especially his interactions with the Arabs and Jews in Mecca and Medina.) Yet he is still considered Islam's most holy man.

  • The Koran promotes violence, murder, slavery, prostitution, female genital mutilation, sexual gratification for men, and the limitation of rights for women. And by "promotes' I really mean to say "commands". It is right there in black and white. Read it. I was shocked to see it.

  • The Koran itself, as a literary work, is repetitive, badly worded, unclear, and full of historical mistakes and outright lies.

  • The Koran, as the bedrock doctrinal foundation of Islam (a religion demanding allegiance from all mankind), does not offer appeal or relevance to all people of all time and of all cultures.

These are just a few points made vividly clear to me in my first forray into discovering Islam. There is so much more darkness one finds when you study the history, culture, governments, and current state of Islam. There is a conspiracy of enormous proportions when you compare the shrinking pouplations of non-Islamic countries and the increased immigration of Muslims into them. I can only whisper to you, "Take a look."

Why do I care? A friend of mine told me that events on such a macro-level are hard to imagine let alone affect. He is probably right. But what I do see is a "force" I never imagined existed. And the exciting thing for me, a follower of Jesus, is the apparent direction this "force" is taking the world; Islam is marching us directly into end-times events. Which means we will soon get to be with our Lord!! That is what really excites me...and doesn't make me so scared!

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