Now I urge you, brethren, note those who cause divisions and offenses, contrary to the doctrine which you learned, and avoid them.
My pastor pretty much blew past this but my heart was screaming, "WHOA!!! Hold the horses! What is this!?!?" This verse seems to go against so much of Christian doctrine. The church teaches love, forgiveness, and gentleness. Today's Christian culture calls for understanding, openness, and a certain dose of tolerance. We are counseled to be supportive, to make ourselves attractive to the lost world around us. It seems we have a paradox; how can we embrace our enemies and avoid them at the same time?
Let's do a word study of the original language.
- "Note those" look at, observe, contemplate; to mark; to fix one's eyes upon.
- "divisions" ...dissension, sedition
- "offenses"...trap, snare, stumbling block
- "doctrine"...teaching
- "avoid them"...turn aside, turn away, keep aloof, shun
It appears to me that we are adjured to keep away from those people actively opposed to our Christian walk. This is definitely food for thought. And a strict bridle on us should we choose to don it.
But the greater question is how to correlate the two opposing ideas...accept or avoid; love or shun; seek or flee.
One thing I do know is the importance of a living relationship with Jesus. His Holy Spirit in us will be the guiding force that promises to help us through the tough decisions and intimate challenges we face. Godspeed.
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