Why do we do what we do?
I dug a hole for my new lemon tree yesterday. Fought through the thick layer of crabgrass and eventually found some moist dark soil that gave up its form quite readily. But then a snag; a rusted length of rebar was layed out across my pretty hole about a foot down. Once I wrestled it loose, a smattering of broken bottles and ceramic dishes barred my way. Eventually they too were cleared away and I was able to admire my hole; twice as wide and deep as the rootball. The tree was planted, the soil was packed and watered, and my mess cleaned up.
The motives of my heart are littered with undesirables. Most times I can rationalize or ignore them whilst pretending to have pure and noble intentions. And eventually the deeds are done and I move onto other tasks. But...will I ever dig a clean hole?
Sometimes we throw the trash in our lives out and try to bury it so we don't have to deal with it anymore. But sooner or later, God wants to plant a garden in our hearts and as He digs, He's going to find all our junk. It'll take work. It'll take sweat, but eventually, He's going to plant the tree He wanted to plant. And it's worth it.