Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Happiness...Part 1

Sustainable happiness. That sounds like the resource we need to be looking for. Oil, gas, wind, geothermal, coal, nuclear--putting these aside for the moment I would like to ponder the search for happiness.
When was the last time you were really and truly happy? When did you just settle back, sigh deeply, and declare to all who would listen: "I am supremely happy?" Moments of bliss and seconds of ecstasy I am sure we all experience. But can we string enough of them together to last a whole hour, an entire day, a week, a lifetime? And, an even tougher question, can we be happy even when we're not? Because I believe we feel happiness at different levels. Physical is probably the easiest to attain. Emotional happiness isn't much harder to manipulate. And what about mental happiness? Is there even such a thing? Mental happiness...happiness of the mind. I guess since there are entire agencies devoted to "mental health" that mental happiness is a valid level. And what about the soul? We have "chicken soup for the soul"; but what is the soul?
I am going to have to stop this discussion right here because a bigger thought has entered the fray. What is the soul, a soul, your soul?? We'll come back to happiness. I have to work on this soul thing first.

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