I have been doing alot of reading the last 18 months. More than I have in a really long time. When I was younger I could devour books; usually they were of the fiction/thriller/mystery assortment. I tore through the Hardy Boys and Agatha Christie and Sherlock Holmes. Tom Clancy, John Grisham, and Stephen Hunter were some of my favorites in high school and college. The life expectancy of one of their novels in my hands was no more than four days; many times less. But over the last 15 years or so my reading has been hit and mostly miss.
There are many reasons for this. For one, I stopped reading about life and actually started living it! And life has been exciting. (...maybe one day I'll write a book about it!) Also, the time I used to spend reading has been replaced with "other" things. And as I have slowly started seeking the Lord over the last decade, I felt that if I were to spend any time reading it had better be His Word. Now, that sounds extremely spiritual; but in reality I didn't even do that! I just continued not reading at all.
About 6 months ago, however, I joined a book club at church. I figured that they would choose books that would "be good for me". And they have. I have tried to balance my Bible and non-Bible reading; though that is still a work in progress. But the books I have been reading in the club have, without exception, continually been pointing me back to God and to His Word. They have deepened my understanding of Him, His work, His Word, His nature, and His ways...while also magnifying the far greater mysteries surounding Him. This has happened in such a notable way that I am compelled to share them with you.
Many of these books were not part of our Book Club; I was, however, led to them in the course of the selection readings. There are manifold nuggets of wisdon and enlightenment in them. I pray that you get the chance to see them. And I pray that we both are led deeper into YHWH's Word as a result of them.
Through the Bible in One Year--Alan Stringfellow
Eternity in Their Hearts--Don Richardson
The Hiding Place--Corrie TenBoom
Four Souls--Peterson,Kronberg,Medefind,Sklar
The Pursuit of God--AW Tozer
A Tale of Three Kings--Gene Edwards
Prisoner in the Third Cell--Gene Edwards
Father Style--Gayle Erwin
Jesus Style--Gayle Erwin
Matthew--JC Ryle
A Memoir of Grace--Chuck Smith
Faith--Chuck Smith
Living Water--Chuck Smith
The Last Christian Generation--Josh McDowell
Stranger on the Road to Emmaus--John R Cross
What Good is God?--Phillip Yancey
A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23--Phillip Keller
A Popular Survey of the New Testament--Norman Geisler
...and in process are these:
The Life and Times of Jesus Christ the Messiah--Alfred Edersheim
A Simplified Harmony of the Gospels--George Knight
The Bible--God
Please, let me know of any book that has touched your heart. I would love to have it touch me as well.
I'm so blessed to have you as a friend.