Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Hello friends! ...so, how far have you gotten in our Bible reading extravaganza?

Well, I got through Leviticus and Numbers. And, surprisingly (since many pastor/teachers I have known have professed they find these books difficult to read/study through), I found knowledge and understanding and truth...imagine that!...God's Word imparting wisdom!! I have read these books before. I have attended Bible studies on various parts of them. I have heard men give surveys of them. Fortunately, I left many scrawled notes that aided this my most recent trek through these books. This time, though, I have decided not to take too many notes in my Bible; I just want to read. I'll make chapter and verse notations in a little notebook to look at and remind myself of treasures I find. Here are a few from this week.
  • Exodus 32:32. Moses knew about the Book of Life. And he was willing to give up His place in it to arrange for God's forgiveness of Israel's sin. Wow. Would I give up my place in the Book of Life for anyone? Would I give up heaven (and gain hell) for anyone...my wife, my children? Thank you Lord that I will never have to answer that question. "And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name JESUS, for He will save His people from their sins." Matthew 1:21. (Paul also entertains this thought in Romans 9:3 but concludes in 9:16 that it is not our efforts but God's mercy at work in the great gift of salvation.)

  • Leviticus 2:1. Frankincense played a vital role in the giving of grain offerings (voluntry acts of worship). The magi's gift to baby Jesus suddenly has a little bit more meaning.

  • Leviticus 19:18. Jesus' teachings weren't all that different from what Israel already knew.

  • Leviticus 19:32. Starting to like my gray hair!!

  • Leviticus 22:32-33. After pages and pages of instructions and ordinances concerning sacrifices and offerings, God makes an extremely powerful statement. He is the Lord who sanctifies! It's not the sacrifices. Not the offerings. Not the cleansing rituals or periods. Not the incense. Not the blood. Not the fire. Not anthing or anyone or any way. Only HIM.

  • Leviticus 25:20-22. Imagine the faith it would require to trust that God would provide enough food in the sixth year to cover the people's needs for that year, the seventh, and the eighth. God so wants us to trust Him. And we fall so very, very short. Oh ye of little faith. Matthew 6:30, 8:26, 14:31, 16:8. Give us Your faith Lord Jesus.

  • Numbers 6:24-26.

  • Numbers 11:23. It really is not wise to question God's governance, provision, or power. They have no limit. Yet we do. Each one of us in ways great and small in nearly all our days don't recognize His omniscience or omnipotence. Help us to see You Lord.

  • Numbers 11:31-33. I think I would have been a vegetarian that day!

  • 1 Thessalonians 1:10. They need to make a movie and name it The Rescue.

  • Numbers 14:10. Pretty intense scene as the people are ready to stone Moses, Aaron, Joshua, and Caleb. And just in the nick of time God intervenes, restores order, and disciplines the offenders. Then He makes a pretty cool prophesy in 14:21.

  • Numbers 18:20. An answer for all who call God unfair when it comes to physical appropriation of gifts: land/money/beauty/health. None of it really matters because the only inheritance that matters is HIM! (Matthew 20:15 "Is it not lawful for me to do what I wish with my own things? Or is your eye evil because I am good?")

  • Numbers 19:1-12. Red heifer, ashes, water, washing, purification. Interesting passage. I can't help but think about baptism.

  • Numbers 22:34. "If"...really Balaam?! There's still a question in your head at this point?! Ahh...but how often do I rationalize in the exact same way.

I'd love to hear what God showed you in your reading this week. Let's keep reading. Pray for me and I pray for you. Give us strength to run the race Lord.

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